Terms of use 使用条款

Statement 声明

Before using our products and services, please read the following terms of use carefully. If you use the products and services provided by the Site, it means you have read, understood and agreed to accept all the terms and conditions mentioned. Comply with relevant laws and regulations. If you do not accept these terms, please do not continue to use them.

1.You shall agree: the Site shall have the right to make unilateral amendments to this agreement as well as relative service regulations, service content, product instructions, product functions and other aspects thereof at any time, and publish such amendments by means of one or more of sending information, website notice, group sending SMS or other methods, with no need to inform you thereof individually; such amendments or adjustments shall not be considered as the Site’s violation of the clauses hereof. If you continue to use the Service after such amendments of the content hereof being published, you shall be considered as having fully read, understood and accepted the amended content hereof and will use the Service in accordance therewith. If you don’t agree the amended content hereof, you shall stop using the Service immediately.

2.You shall admit: this agreement shall be governed by the existing laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and their amendments at any time. The service content and standards of the Site shall not be ruled out by the laws of your residing countries or regions. If any provision hereof is against the laws and regulations of your residing countries or regions, both Parties shall agree to apply to the laws and regulations of PRC as the only governing law.

3.You shall proclaim: you shall, when you agree to accept this agreement and register yourself to become a user, be natural persons, corporate entities or other organizations or fully authorized by such who enjoy the full capacity for civil rights and civil conducts provided by relevant laws. Otherwise, you shall terminate the registration or stop to use the Service immediately.

4.You shall promise: any usage of the products and services hereunder shall abide by the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, accord with the requirements of social public morality and infringe no legal rights and interests of any third party. If any third party claims any compensation or right due to any usage, you shall take full responsibility and make sure the Site and any relevant shareholder, member of the board of directors or manager at any level shall not be involved or take any responsibility. As for any loss caused thereby to any third party, the Site shall take no responsibility or make no promise for any joint or related compensation.






Account Safety 账户安全

You will be fully responsible for the third-party account password logged in and all operations performed during the use of the products and services provided by the Site.


Regulations of Using Internet Service 互联网平台服务使用守则

In order to guarantee your legal rights and interests of using the Service, you understand and agree to accept the following regulations:

1.The content of this agreement, the instructions about the exchange operations appearing on the Website or the messages sent to your mobile phones by the Site (in the form of short messages or phones, etc.) in the process of your using the Service shall be considered as the relevant regulations for your using the Service and your continuing to use the Service represents your agreement with and acceptance of the said regulations. You shall understand and agree that the Site shall have the unilateral right to amend the said regulations without your consent. The Website instructions in the process of you using the Service (including but not limited to group sending SMS, telephone notice, website announcement and others) shall serve as the norm of the service regulations. If you want to use the Service, you shall agree to abide by these service regulations.

2.The Site may inform you of the service progress and notice for the next step operation by email (including but not limited to group sending SMS, telephone notice, website announcement and others), but the Site shall not make sure that you may receive or timely receive such email (including but not limited to group sending SMS, telephone notice, website announcement and others) and shall not be responsible for any consequence caused thereby. Therefore, you shall, in the process of service, timely login in on the Website to check and make operations. The Site shall not be responsible for any dispute or loss caused by your failure to timely check, modify or confirm the service status or provide relevant applications.

3.If you use the Service, the Site shall have the right to charge service fees in accordance with relevant service charge price bill, order and/or relevant agreements. The Site shall have the right to stipulate and adjust the service charge. Concrete service fees shall be based on the charges listed on the platform website when you use the Service or other agreements concluded and made by and between you and the Site.





Your Rights and Obligations 您的权利和义务

1.You shall have the right to enjoy the Internet technology and information service provided by Internet Platform, and to get such services (including technological support, consultancy, etc.) as are provided by Internet Platform. More information about services and prices can be seen on the introduction to relevant products of the platform website.

2.You shall warrant that: you are qualified for the performance of this agreement in accordance with necessary requirements provided by laws and regulations; if any legal responsibilities or harmful consequences are caused by the lack of such qualification, you shall bear the entire responsibility and the Site shall, at the same time, suspend or terminate services provided to you.

3.You shall acknowledge that: you shall, in accordance with Regulation on the Protection of the Right to Network Dissemination of Information, Measures for the Administrative Protection of Internet Copyright and other laws and regulations, record the relevant information of online users and, make backup copies of the record and preserve them for 90 days in accordance with laws and regulations, and provide them for the lawful check by state authorities.

4.You shall respect the property rights and other legal rights of the Site and other third parties and warrant to do everything possible to protect the Site and its shareholders, employees, partners or others from any influences or losses caused by such infringements of the said rights and interests. The Site shall reserve the right to terminate services for you and return no fund of any kind to you in case of your infringements of the lawful rights and interests of the Site. You shall be fully responsible for the losses caused by your violations of laws or infringements to the Site or its other clients.

5.You shall confirm that the contact information you provide is accurate. In case of any consequences caused by the incorrect contact information or the safety or stability problem of the email you provide to receive mails from the Site, you shall bear the entire responsibility, including but not limited to any consequences or losses caused by your failure to receive relevant notices from the Site in a timely way.

6.You shall agree to use the service charging and data searching system provided by the Site. If you have any doubt about the charge and data, such cannot become the reason for you to suspend or stop to perform this agreement or the obligation of payment. You shall pay the service charge in time and shall have the right to get invoices for your service expenses. All kinds of expenses, amounts, prices, taxes or others involved in this agreement shall not include added-value tax or other taxes not included in the price. If the Site shall, in accordance with the state policy requirement to replace the business tax with an added-value tax, turn from a business tax payer to an added-value tax payer, relevant added-value tax or other taxes not included in the price shall be calculated separately and paid accordingly; however, the Site will, before the accomplishment of the tax replacement, offer you invoices for the service expenses in accordance with the existing tax system.

7.You shall have the right to inquire the products, services, prices and others involved herein. Once you choose to use these products and services, we will consider that you have no doubts and you have acknowledged to forsake any claim due to such doubt.

8.You shall know that you can pay for the products and services by credit cards or account pre-payment. If you choose to pay by means of account pre-payment, your account balance cannot be transferred or bestowed to other accounts on the Platform, and cannot be turned to or withdrawn in cash either.

9.You shall warrant that you will abide by the national and local laws and regulations, industry practices and social and public moralities in the process of using the Service and will not make use of the services provided by the Site to store, distribute and publish any of the following information and content:

(1) That is against the general principles established in the Constitution; (2) That may jeopardize the national security, disclose national secrets, overthrow the state power, or destroy the national unity; (3) That jeopardizes the national honor and interests; (4) That stirs up hatred and discrimination among nationalities and destroys the unity of nationalities; (5) That destroys national religion policies and advocates cults and superstitions; (6) That is to spread rumors, disturb the social order and destroy the social stability; (7) That is to distribute obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or to encourage crimes; (8) That insults or slanders others and infringes other people’s lawful rights and interests。

10.You shall, at the same time, warrant that you will not make use of the services provided by the Site to conduct any illegal actions that damage the telecommunication network safety and the information safety or disturb the telecommunication market order. You shall be aware of the specialty of the internet, and therefore if your account and any use thereof cause damages to the lawful rights and interests of any third parties, the Site shall have the right to terminate the use of your account and preserve the right to make claims against you for any responsibility.

11.You shall admit that the Site shall have the right to terminate the services and return no fund of any kind if you violate any of the above-mentioned agreements or the Site receives any request from the authorities or any lawful claim of any third party right owner. In case of any losses caused thereby, you shall make compensations.










(1) 反对宪法所确定的基本原则的; (2) 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的; (3) 损害国家荣誉和利益的; (4) 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的; (5) 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的; (6) 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的; (7) 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的; (8) 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的。



The Site’s Rights and Obligations 本站的权利和义务

1.The Site shall provide to you proper network technology and information service chosen and paid by you.

2.The Site shall record necessary information according to the sevices you choose,and provide them when you need or the relevant government regulators proposed regulatory scrutiny, compliance, or to provide investigation.

3.The Site shall warrant to keep secret all your information and not to disclose it to any third party or authorize any third party to use it, except:

(1) It can be provided in accordance with the clauses hereof or the provisions of other service agreements, contracts or online clauses concluded and reached between you and the Site; (2) It shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations; (3) It is required to be provided by administrative, judicial or other authorities; (4) It is agreed by you to be provided to third parties; (5) It is submitted to solve any report incident or legal proceeding; (6) It is necessary for the Site to take reasonable actions to prevent serious illegal conducts or suspicious crimes; (7) It is provided to third parties in order to provide to you products, services and information, including the situation where the Site provides to you products, services and information through third parties’ technology and service; (8) The websites of the Site and all its affiliated companies shall have the right to use your information.

4.The Site shall, within 24 hours after the day’s service, have the right to charge the service expenses in accordance with the situation of your actual use which shall be deducted from your account (credit card or pre-paid account). You shall pay timely attention to any change of your account amount (the balance of your credit card or pre-paid account), and if the balance of your account (or the balance of your credit card) is not sufficient, the Site shall have the right to immediately suspend or terminate to provide services to you. You shall, at the same time, charge your account to be able to pay the said service expenses within 24 hours after the suspension or termination of services, or the Site shall have the right to charge 0.3% of the overdue payment as penalties for every overdue day.




(1) 依据本协议条款或者您与本站之间其他服务协议、合同、在线条款等规定可以提供; (2) 依据法律法规的规定应当提供; (3) 行政、司法等职权部门要求本站提供; (4) 您同意本站向第三方提供; (5) 本站解决举报事件、提起诉讼而提交的; (6) 本站为防止严重违法行为或涉嫌犯罪行为发生而采取必要合理行动所必须提交的; (7) 本站为向您提供产品、服务、信息而向第三方提供的,包括本站通过第三方的技术及服务向您提供产品、服务、信息的情况。 (8) 本站及本站关联站所有网站有权使用您的资料和信息。

Scope and Limits of Responsibilities 责任范围及责任限制

1.The Site is only responsible for the responsibilities listed in this clause. The cooperators of the Service shall be responsible for the quality and content of the service provided thereby, for which the Site shall not be responsible for.

2.If the service you purchased is not available due to reasons unaccountable to the Site or force majeure factors, it is not the responsibility of the Site; based on the characteristics of the Internet, the Site reminds you that you shall back up data from time to time for the Site will not be responsible for data loss, that the Site is not responsible for the unavailability of the service due to your own system adjustment or improper configuration or other reasons of yours, and that the Site is not responsible for the losses caused by any act or omission of any third party or the losses of any third party who receives the service of the Site indirectly through you.

3.The Site shall not be responsible for any indirect, punitive, special and derivative losses related to or arising from this agreement (including but not limited to business losses, income losses, profit losses, data losses or other economic losses), no matter in what way, whether by the violation hereof (or the warranty hereof) or by infringement, in spite of being informed of the possibility of such losses. In addition, even though the provision of exclusive relief herein fails to accomplish its basic purposes, the Site shall not be responsible for any losses mentioned above.

4.If you website is under hacker attack from any third party website, you shall immediately communicate with the Site in order to ensure the quality of services, but you still have to pay the Internet flow or bandwidth caused thereby.

5.The Site provide fault control mechanism of fault monitoring, automatic recovery, guaranteeing timely processing cloud service failure and recovery. When the cloud service node failure occurs, the node will be replaced by other nodes automatically through local load balancer and global load balancer. When the whole cloud service failure occurs, the Site will immediately notify the customer in accordance with the corresponding contingency plans for processing.

6.The Site shall make sure the service you purchased is available. Combined with the relative characteristics of the service you purchased, the service may be available: you can visit or download the websites, files, stream media and other content under the domain name of the Internet Service; or the service may be unavailable: the remaining time, which refers to the total service time deducted by the available service time, is unavailable.

7.If the whole website of the service you purchased is unavailable due to the Site’s own problems, the Site shall calculate the expenses by minutes (considered as one minute, when less than one minute), in order to exempt and reduce service expenses in accordance with the actual unavailable time from the total service expenses. The maximum amount reduced and exempted shall not exceed the due service expenses and shall not be calculated in any way continually into the next day. You shall agree that other than the previous agreement in this clause, the Site shall not be liable for any compensation due to unavailability of services.

8.Unless otherwise provided, you shall, under any circumstance, agree that the Site shall be liable for compensations limited to direct economic losses and the total amount of compensation shall not exceed the total service expenses charged you of at the day.








System Interrupt or Breakdown 系统中断或故障

System may not function well due to the following problems, which make you unable to make use of any Internet service whose damages the Site shall not be responsible for, including but not limited to:

1.Telecommunication equipment breaks down, unable to transmit data.

2.Due to typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, flood, blackout, war, terrorist attack and other force majeure factors, the system of the Site breaks down, unable to execute businesses.

3.The service is interrupted or delayed by hacker attack, virus invasion, technological adjustment or problem of the telecommunication department, website update, bank payment and other problems.





Entire Agreement 完整协议

This agreement shall be composed of the clauses hereof and all regulations published on the Website. Related nouns can be quoted and referred to mutually. If there is any different understanding, the clauses hereof shall prevail.

You shall understand and recognize this agreement, which means every part of this agreement, and you and the Site shall be bound thereby once you use the Service.

If any part of this agreement is considered invalid by the court with jurisdiction, the validity of other parts shall not be affected. If any clause of this agreement is not executed, the execution of other clauses shall not be influenced.




Protection of the Trademark and Property Right 商标、知识产权的保护

The Site or the affiliated companies of the Site shall legally own the legal property rights, including but not limited to trademark right, patent right, copyright, trade secret, etc. of all the content on the Website, including but not limited to works, pictures, files, information, data, framework and website design.

Unless agreed by the Site or the affiliated companies thereof, no one shall use, modify, copy, publicly transmit, change, distribute, release or publicly publish any program or content on the Website without authorization.

It is your obligation to protect property rights, so you shall solve related problems by yourself, including but not limited to software copyright, application permission and so on, and the Site shall have no obligation to check and approve such work. When this agreement is signed, you are considered to have admitted the above-mentioned provision and have finished all related work. In case of any violation, you shall be reliable for any damages and the Site shall reserve the right to terminate this agreement.




Governing Laws and Dispute Resolution 法律适用与争议解决

If you are a resident of China, the validity, interpretation, performance of this agreement and the dispute resolution shall be governed by laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, regulations of telecommunication administrative department and regulations of the computer industry.

If you are a resident of a non-Chinese region, the validity, interpretation, performance and resolution of this agreement apply to the law of your place of residence.

Any dispute related to this agreement or the performance thereof shall be solved by mutual and amiable negotiation. If no agreement is reached, the dispute shall be brought to the people’s court with jurisdiction of the place where the Site is located.

You and the Site shall together confirm that the option to sign this agreement is completely equal and fair to both parties. Either can choose to sign or not to sign this agreement without force. This agreement is a representation of ideas after careful consideration by both parties. There is no situation where one party increases other party’s responsibilities or escapes from its obligations. Any party who signs this agreement or promises to abide by this agreement shall be considered to have forsaken the right to question the fairness of this agreement.





Important Notice 重要声明

Important notice: Any conflict occurred about the service terms and conditions between the Chinese and the English versions of the agreement, the Chinese version of the agreement shares larger portion of the legal effect.
